Bella Delaney gives birth to Dwain Delaney.

Chris Dave O'Connor marries Anthea Hamre.


Anne O'Connor is born..


Alan O'Connor is born.


Dave Alan O'Connor dies.

Lavinia O'Conner starts as nanny for The 16th Prince.


Lavinia O'Conner starts as a royal envoy.


Dwain Delaney Starts as carpentor at his father's work shop.

Princess Valerie O’Conner dies.

Princess Melissa is born, and Lacinia O’Connor becomes nanny for her, too.





Early Summer, This year, Bella Delaney, the Cousin of The 14th King, has good time visiting him.

When Bella Delaney comes to pickup Eileen and Fenella Twinley to drive them home to Lewinton, Finola Milies as usual go with them to Mareton.

Sumer Equinox, Raymond Riche and Lavinia O’Connor makes love, where Lavinia O’Connor conceives a child.

Autumn Equinox, Lavinia O'Connor, the nanny of The 16th Prince and Princess Melissa, interupts the lecture at The Royal Theatre. She's very agitated, because Raymond Riche has made her with child over the summer, she claims.


Late Winter When the lectures start, both Lavinia o'Connor and Irene Warner are visible pregnant.

Raymond Riche proclaimes the final habeas corpus of Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies, shall be, under the supervisoin by Irene Warner, to instructing a ballet for the new childen, who is comming during the Spring. Raymond Riche will compose the music for the dance, and play it with Roger Full and Neville Books. Shuan Riche, the mother of Irene and Raymond, will do some exercises with Hillary Full and Fenella Twinley, and thet will help Eileen and Finola with their ballet when they get it ready.

Finola Milies gets pritty annoyed, when she looks at the heively pregnant Lavinia O'Connor, who's carrying the visible evidence of Raymond Riche infidelity against Finola, but she's comforted by her love to Irene Warner.

Spring Equinox, Raymond Riche is absent from the lessons, because he's attending Lavinia O'Connor giving childbirth their girl, Perle O'Conner, so Eileen Twinley and Finola Milies are to instuct their ballet, Fenella Twinley, Hillary Full dancing and Roger Full and Neville Books playing the music, under supervisoin of the heively pregnant Irene Riche.

Lavinia O’Connor gives birth to Perle O’Connor.

Late Spring. At The Royal Theatre, Bella Delaney, tells her niece, Lavinia O'Conner, that the boyfriend of Eileen Twinley, Sir Gareth of Lewinton await her at the Scroll, at The Delegate Town. Lavinia ensures her aumt, she'll make sure, Eileen gets access to The Delegate Town to be intimate with her boyfriend.

The Next day after the lesions at The Royal Theatre, Lavinia O'Conner with little Perle at her arms, approached Eileen Twinley, because she wants to talks with her.

First Eileen Twinley is shy to talk with the rivale of her best friend, Finola Milies, however, Finola is for the moment preoccopied fighting with her sister, Fenella, over Roger Full, so she folliws Lavinia O'Conner to the changing rooms.

Lavinia O'Conner tells Eileen Twinley, her boyfriend, Sir Gareth of Lewinton is awaits her, at The Scroll at The Delegate Town, and that she will give her access to The Delegate Town.

Eileen Twinley hugs Lavinia O'Conner, and tells her, Eileen just needs to fitch some contraception potien from her lodging, before they goes.

Lavinia O'Conner applauds to it, and wished she had contracepion last summer, when she made whoopees with Raymond Riche, but Princess Beatrice is so afrait of witchcraft, she has prohibited all contraception at Kingston 5 years ago.


Midsummer The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer and their children The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa rush to Lewinton Casle to participate in the funual of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Lavinia O'Connor follows as nanny.

Adam Riche at The Royal Theatre, gives Fenella Twinley and Neville Books vication from the Theatre to participate at the funual, since they both are from Lewinton Shire.

Adam Riche sends his son, Raymond Riche, with them, to keep an eye on Fenella Twinley and Neville Books.

Queen Beatrice insist her brother, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer, follows them as bodyguard with his wife, Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter.

At Mareton, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally awaits them.

Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.

At Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.

Jeany Books would have liked to go too, but she's to old to do the voyage, so she stayed home.


Dwain Delaney marries Sharon Harding.


Sharon Harding gives birth to Lucas Delaney.